Wednesday night, New Years' Eve, our traditional snowmachine ride and overnight stay at Eden's cabin with "Uncle" Ken was postponed because it was just TOO cold. But Ken made lasagna dinner for us at his place and the boys were treated to a little more Christmas love - lets just say Ken like the remotes and batteries as much as any of them. :) And it got even better with big bowls of ice cream and "Kung Fu Panda" on a large screen TV!New Years Day we did get to go out riding for a few hours, with a couple great stops at friends' cabins (Jeff and Shelly Erickson's pictured) for a warm fire and cup of chili and roasted hot dog. We celebrate 2009 in THANKS TO GOD for His beautiful creation, and His blessings of health and family and friends.
now those are some real snow machines, where were those in Edwall when we needed them? i guess we'll just have to come to homer next christmas. Was sure fun seeing all of you. Your boys are sure lucky - nothing like 3 weeks of Christmas!