Happy Easter!

We celebrate and worship a risen Savior! HE IS RISEN INDEED!!!

I failed to take any photos of my handsome boys this year (who didn't even wear ties); our amazing church breakfast of pancakes, sausage and eggs, biscuits and gravy; the beautiful celebration service of worship, testimonies, and lives given to Jesus (Go GOD!), the egg hunt in the snow bank (the kids didn't even have?); or the delicious family turkey dinner with our favorite neighbors! Yikes!? HOWEVER... we are so thankful for our Jesus, and we did get to go out riding with our boys and Uncle Ken that afternoon. What a GOOD God we serve!
We took off right behind the boys' McNeil Canyon Elementary School in the background and rode all around the hills and trails. Though visibility was WHITE, we did spot some big bear tracks... they're ready for spring, too!
We came out behind Bald Mountain with a panaramic view of the mountains and spit...
and a sledding hill that worked great without even a sled - sliding and rolling all the way down! Whheeee... until they had to walk back up!
And then Uncle Ken figured out he could get back up on his machine.
Sheldon didn't quite relax all the way... still some business to do!

"I can do everything through Him Who gives me strength."
Philippians 4:13
