An Evening in the Beachy Home...

No big events to photograph this week (we didn't get to go to Brandon's cross-country meet in Soldotna last week where he placed 9th!), but Jordan is taking a digital photography elective in his 5th grade classroom and has been shooting action of "normal life" at home. So you see... Dad talking on his cell phone and Mom putting dinner (French dip sandwiches) in the oven.
Brandon is always checking out drumsets on his "new" Gateway laptop recycled from Grandpa.
I found Jordan shooting hoops in the gym!
And Clayton had some reading minutes to get in. Back in the school routine, you can find us all doing these things every evening! :)
We thank God for His blessing of FAMILY.


Leah Belle said…
What a fun post! It's fun to see "A-Day-In-The-Life" kind of post!

And hey, can I have the recipe for the sandwiches? :)