Mariner XC Runner

 Pre-race Swag!  And they're off... Homer Invite.
Friday, August 28.
So happy to have Jordan's friend Annali on the yearbook staff with a great camera this season!
Love the muscles and the grit!
 Finish Line Fan Club. XOXOX
Third place.  But Jared won't stay out in front all season...
Sunshine in Kodiak, but still plenty of mud!
Friday, September 4.
(A mom sent me this on her phone, you get the idea)
 Best mud run and meet ever!
 Seward, September 11.
 Skyview RAIN, September 15.
 Homer Time Trials, September 19. 

5K Personal Record 17:09! Second place runner. 
First place team.  On their way to State.  So PROUD!
