Ladies' Retreat

Thursday - Saturday, October 15-17, our Christian Community Church Ladies' Retreat was held at Second Star on Kachemak Drive.  The luxurious and spa features invited us to enter into the "Lavendar Springs Spa" theme perfectly.  Karen Taylor and Sam Bishop welcomed us at the door.
 Athena Edens prepared such DELICIOUS meals!
 Food and fellowship in the kitchen.
 Claire Swanson and Isabel Beach.
Meetings together in the theater began with worship by Lenore Swanson on the guitar, Claire Swanson vocals, Sharon Schultz on the ukulele, and myself on the keyboard.
Mekeisha Smith and others led studies and small group discussions through the book of Psalms:  Praise, Lament, Wisdom, Ascent, Imprecation, Confession, and Thanksgiving. 
 What a beautiful journey together! XOXOX
 Lenore and I slept in the Alaskan Dreams room.
 ... Beach Walk...
 ... Tea Party...
 ... Massage...
 ... Neverland...
 "Give thanks to the God of heaven.  
His faithful love endures forever."  Psalm 136:26
