XC Region and State Champs!

Saturday, September 24, the Mariner runners took off...
 at Skyview in the Region races toward State positions!
 1st place Homer finish... 16:42!!!!
 Jacob, Luca, and Jared all finished under 17:00!
 1st place in Regions!   Homer 1, 2, 3, 9, 10, 13, 15 finishes.
 STATE CHAMPIONSHIP at Bartlett, October 1.
 Sitka was the team to beat.  Perfect day... calm and cool.
 Up the last hill... chasing Jacob and Luca.
To the finish!
 3rd place Mariner right at 17:00... Grandpa and Grandma there to celebrate!
 VICTORY - State Champs!!!
 Girls AND Guys on TOP!  Thorns and Roses.
 So proud of this boy!!
 Way to go, Mariners!!
 Proclamation from the Homer City Council Monday, October 24.
