April 16

Had my 10-day post-op appointment in Anchorage Monday. Found our corner... SCARY...no ice or snow anymore! Got paid $25 for my scrap metal and saw her on the pile. :( She was a good ride.
X-rays of my "claw" showed the plate and 4 screws secure into my radius, which was completely torn apart. Fractures on the ulna are on their own. Dr. Ala was pleased with circulation in the fingers and approved removal of all stitches. Ouch. He had added a few incisions to carpal tunnel in my palm. Very serious, he reminded me what a traumatic injury this was and with just one more artery severed, I would have lost my hand. "It's going to be a long road. Work hard. Piano scales will be one of the best physical therapies eventually."
Then we were sent down the street to Advanced Hand & Ortho, 2 hrs. making a custom brace and learning PT exercises... Patty is wonderful and was very pleased with movement in all my fingers already. The next couple months are critical. I use my left hand to bend, hold, relax each joint of each finger 10 times, 15 min. every 2 hrs. Not painful because I don't have feeling in my fingers, but an incredible sensation to feel the tendon connections way up in my forearm. Total 2 hrs. day. I go back next week for more.
The bills are coming in. Please pray grace for my husband as he manages all that with Christian Healthcare Ministries. Blessed to hear a few piano recital pieces with some students today, and to see my boys play soccer. My God is GOOD. Much love! XOXOX
