20 weeks. Two steps forward... Susan took a picture of my fists side by
side in PT this morning, "They look sooo GOOD!!!" And then one step
back... I took the picture of my burns on the other side of my hand
tonight. Three burns in one week!? OUCH. I wish!!!!! I JUST CAN'T FEEL
The first dark one on the middle knuckle is a week old. I didn't even notice it for a couple hours... after I had buttered grilled cheese sandwiches on the griddle maybe? A few days later the little one under my fingernail, but I didn't find it until the next day... after making dinner the night before? And just tonight. AGAIN. Humph! After Susan has freaked out for 3 sessions and babied me with ice packs, threatening to make me wear gloves in the kitchen?! "Burns keep burning! They can get infected! Look, your whole pinky is swollen again because of this new trauma! .... BUT obviously you've overcome worse!!"
I had wrapped my (too) hot rice pad around my hand to get the fingers and joints warm and ready for the stretches while I ate my ice cream tonight. But there was a red spot and my skin was loose when I removed the wrap. NOooo! My other fingers were fine?!? I iced it immediately this time. Drained the fluid. Applied Aloe Vera. Wrapped it. And pouted. SAD.
Hmmm. Anyway...
The forward progress is that I'm taking the brace off a little more when I'm active. I'm using my hand! Cooking, cleaning, packing. I even sketched a house plan with my right hand! The guidance of a straight edge along the grid lines was very rewarding. And we had family and friends over for Jordan's birthday dinner Friday night, my first time entertaining. A big deal to get chicken curry, all the fixins, angel food cake and homemade ice cream on the table... Sheldon and Annali were great help, and I only cried in panic and frustration once. I still think I should do everything with the same efficiency. Sweet Jordan was so appreciative. XOXOX (I get to accompany him to college next month!!)
It's been a big Back to School week here. My baby is a sophomore! Clayton has early conditioning practice at 7:30am. before school, (Geometry, Chemistry, Honors LA, World History, Spanish II - YIKES! with teachers he really enjoys) and late running practice after school until 6:00pm. So I've put in some long hours in my church office (we share Sheldon's chauffeur service). The books are balanced, reports run, classrooms ready to kick off Sunday School and Kids Church this week... attendance charts, curriculum, teacher schedules, pencils, play-do, and snacks. Big hugs and thanks to Annette, Holly, Ellirene and girls!
Sometimes I just have to turn out the lights. Play the worship music. Lie flat on my back on the floor beyond my desk. Do the whole finger stretch routine. And breathe.
The first dark one on the middle knuckle is a week old. I didn't even notice it for a couple hours... after I had buttered grilled cheese sandwiches on the griddle maybe? A few days later the little one under my fingernail, but I didn't find it until the next day... after making dinner the night before? And just tonight. AGAIN. Humph! After Susan has freaked out for 3 sessions and babied me with ice packs, threatening to make me wear gloves in the kitchen?! "Burns keep burning! They can get infected! Look, your whole pinky is swollen again because of this new trauma! .... BUT obviously you've overcome worse!!"
I had wrapped my (too) hot rice pad around my hand to get the fingers and joints warm and ready for the stretches while I ate my ice cream tonight. But there was a red spot and my skin was loose when I removed the wrap. NOooo! My other fingers were fine?!? I iced it immediately this time. Drained the fluid. Applied Aloe Vera. Wrapped it. And pouted. SAD.
Hmmm. Anyway...
The forward progress is that I'm taking the brace off a little more when I'm active. I'm using my hand! Cooking, cleaning, packing. I even sketched a house plan with my right hand! The guidance of a straight edge along the grid lines was very rewarding. And we had family and friends over for Jordan's birthday dinner Friday night, my first time entertaining. A big deal to get chicken curry, all the fixins, angel food cake and homemade ice cream on the table... Sheldon and Annali were great help, and I only cried in panic and frustration once. I still think I should do everything with the same efficiency. Sweet Jordan was so appreciative. XOXOX (I get to accompany him to college next month!!)
It's been a big Back to School week here. My baby is a sophomore! Clayton has early conditioning practice at 7:30am. before school, (Geometry, Chemistry, Honors LA, World History, Spanish II - YIKES! with teachers he really enjoys) and late running practice after school until 6:00pm. So I've put in some long hours in my church office (we share Sheldon's chauffeur service). The books are balanced, reports run, classrooms ready to kick off Sunday School and Kids Church this week... attendance charts, curriculum, teacher schedules, pencils, play-do, and snacks. Big hugs and thanks to Annette, Holly, Ellirene and girls!
Sometimes I just have to turn out the lights. Play the worship music. Lie flat on my back on the floor beyond my desk. Do the whole finger stretch routine. And breathe.