Beachy Construction Project

My Dad has been asking about the Klopfer framing job our guys have been working on. Sheldon was pouring the foundation footers when the folks were visiting Homer in July with my Great Grandpa, niece Korie, and nephew Kurtis. Sheldon was wearing raingear when he poured the footers, and this house has been very wet (unfortunately!) since then.

The 3-tiered roof is the boat shed behind the house. The mason has been adding the rockwork this week. The entryway on both the boat shed and the house feature Timber framing style.

I'm the "Friday " at the Beachy Construction office where I answer phones and enter bills. I take photos of some of the jobs for out-of-town clients for email updates and the website, too. It's nice to be familiar with the house projects and people that Sheldon is working with.
