Ragulsky's Winding Trails Home

Frank and Jane Ragulsky arrived into town Friday, November 7, from Oregon to close on their new home. Sheldon loves doing these walk-throughs with owners who are so pleased with the final product and all the details, especially when they've been communicating "long distance" through the months. He is also very relieved to sign this one over as the steep driveway and close culdesac that accompany this lot have caused a bit of neighborhood tension.
The cheerful "celery" paint and entry stairs lead up to a bright, open living area with spectacular views of the bay. The beautiful woodwork, black granite kitchen countertops, and custom "salmon" mantle (a man at a roadside lot carves these with a chain saw!) are some distinct features in this home. Sheldon, Sam, Brandon, and Jordan had the "duty" to take this client out on the boat trolling this morning! What a gorgeous sunny, calm Saturday for them to enjoy, though Jordan hasn't called with a fish tale so far...


Leah Belle said…
beautiful home...even more beautiful view.

you must be amazed by what you see when you wake up every morning!