We spent a day in Ritzville this week visiting my second brother Jake and his wife Alisha, Julia (5) and Zachary (2). Sheldon enjoyed checking out their beautiful new home, and the boys connected with some more cousins! Julia loves horses and has her own named Taquila Sunrise out back in the little barn surrounded by white rail fence. Zack gets to decide each day if he's going to be a farmer or a rancher with his Dad. :)
A special treat was lunch with my mom's mom, Grandma Stromberger. Kevin stopped by, too, after his Wheat Grower's meeting in Ritzville, so she got to see us,"the twins" together for the first time in years. Our Grandma is 85 years old and has diabetes that has affected her eyesight, so she lives with my Aunt Amy and sits in her chair most days. She never misses a meal in the kitchen, gets her hair done on Fridays, listens to many books on tape, and loves to have visitors and her nails polished!