McNeil Talent Show

This last Friday, February 28, I directed the annual Talent Show at McNeil Canyon Elementary School. What a fun evening with a great diversity of acts! There were several piano numbers, including my duet with Clayton, "Mary Had a Little Lamb." He was so nervous at dress rehearsal the afternoon before, distraught with tears, but Friday night he was mostly just proud, "Mom, I'm the ONLY kindergartner in this show!" Jordan played "The Swingin' Song." We had a couple original poem recitations, song/dance performances by little girls, an electric guitar duet, vocal solos, and skits. And then the pie auction during intermission... my coconut cream and chocolate/peanut butter cream pies brought in $75. :)

My favorite acts came in the second half - Brandon's 6th grade MARIMBA BAND practiced together twice a week for two months, and they were awesome!! Brandon learned all the parts, and ended up with the shakers on the right... tricky to keep a consistent beat the entire song. He had a blast - WOW! Aunt Connie and Uncle Ron came especially to hear that performance, and they were not disappointed. And then Jordan's "Dynamic Dribbling Duo" basketball routine with his best friend Koby was amazing! So fun to see them handling the ball around their ankles, up to their waist, around their head, between their legs, bouncing back and forth to each other, etc. And THEN they dribbled two balls at a time all around, in front, and behind. The crowd was "ooing and aahhing"... We've got talent!


Laurie said…
Your oldest looks just like Dad! Great to find you, again, too! Blogs add that extra dimension to email, don't they? And don't you just love this background - great minds think alike ;)? I've got you bookmarked so will spend time perusing your backlog. You look lovely as always, Ms. Beachy!