Mt. Redoubt Erupts

I downloaded the first and last photos (taken from Homer) from the Alaska Volcano Observatory site, but we've had a little excitement with nearly a dozen volcanic eruptions from Mt. Redoubt this week! The mountain is 120 miles northwest of Homer, and with the wind direction we've really escaped much of the volcanic ash. Thursday, however, the blast went 12 miles high, visible from space satellites, and the ash made its way to our town by 3 p.m., just as the kids were getting home from school. They were each given masks on the bus, and all after-school activities were canceled.

Our Beachy crews were called to tape off ventilation systems at the banks and wildlife buildings we maintain, we turned off heaters and HRVs in our homes, and many businesses dismissed employees early. Soon after the ash began to fall lightly, it also started to snow... good to "settle the air", but it just made a mess of all the vehicles, windows, and decks! We are thankful for "trace amounts": the kids all went to school as normal Friday, and our DIRTY snow we have left is just melting a little bit faster now. :)


Leah Belle said…
Wow! this is amazing!
Jeff said…
did you take the pictures from the observatory Kathy? Your pictures are always so breath-taking. Alaska is so beautiful.