Spring Break Scrap Date

What a glorious sunny day and fun Friday together with our Swanson friends... brought back memories of the "good 'ole days" with our preschoolers and no subbing/office jobs. :) I finished an album for the year 1996; Lenore was on summer vacation in 2003 - progress!
I have to remember to look up and out at the amazing scenery.

My boys LOVE Karl... they snowmachined, watched movies, and built Legos all day long. Sheldon joined us for BBQ burgers for dinner. Yea!


Anonymous said…
HI, Kathy! You are inspiring me in my scrapbooking. Chet recently finished wiring ang lighting in our schoolroom/project room in the basement, so I can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel that some day I may be able to scrap again!! Yah!