A gorgeous sunny day for a hike with our cousins this Thursday, August 6! We followed a gravel road down the Diamond Ridge bluff that turns into a dirt path that continues above Diamond Creek... down, down to the ocean.

Marilyn's little brother C.J. (There are three "Clayton John"s ... Grandpa Mayer, Uncle C.J., and our own little boy. :) and his family from Sarasota, FL are visiting Homer this week to fish.

Harrison (22),Reagan (19), Aunt Jill, Uncle C.J., Logan (15),Jackson (17).

Harrison braved the COLD Alaska fresh water with the boys.

Sister-in-law Aimee came down from Anchorage for the weekend. :)

We hiked further down the beach to see a recent "seismic shift"... a new formation of dirt and rocks that emerged in the bay following an earthquake this summer.

Fun to explore the new rocks from "down under"!

Reagan and her boyfriend Joel noticed a lot more rocks than shells on our AK beach.

Jackson's ankle got tired... he's supposed to be "easy" on it since a recent break and fracture.?

Champ was so happy to come along for the adventure! A great day. :)
