Gym Foundation

After the concrete block wall was poured on our addition last Friday, December 11, Sheldon worked quickly to waterproof the walls and get the sand backfilled before it got too cold again.
After school, Clayton helped burn and Jordan hauled the last roll.
Saturday morning dawned clear and bright when the sand truck arrived at 10:30 a.m.

Corbin Arno helped shovel the fill in so Sheldon (and I!) could get it covered with foam before it froze.

Jordan ran the compactor for a bit!
No snow all weekend, so Monday morning, December 14, Sheldon and Jeremy took the blankets off the foam and ran the tubing for heat coils in the slab.
And Tuesday they poured the slab! Sheldon used the power trowel several times over the whole thing before Brandon helped him cover it up at dark... just as the first snowflakes were falling.

Perfect timing. Thank You, LORD. Because then it got really COLD... and it's been covered up all week, tucked in to cure and harden. After Christmas the boys will come over to frame up the 16' walls. :)
