Sunshine in Nelson Lagoon in September?! Thank You, LORD, for one miracle after another! Sheldon is so pleased and much more relaxed now that the building made it to Nelson Lagoon, and a full crew is working hard to get it all closed in.

Dan Buckwalter and the "Boyz," as they call themselves, include Warren Beachy, Jeremy Young, Johnny and Michael Nelson (our framers), and Tyler Stortz (Willie's charter captain). They are making us proud as they erect this mammoth structure, all the time wearing their flourescent vests and hard hats! GOD, thank You for the blessing of big equipment and Your safe protection.

The land of the free and the home of the brave!

The barge even made it back in good time with flat seas and on budget... an incredible answer to many prayers! And though that bill came in promptly, Sheldon also received the next check from the owners, also in good time. :)

What a good lookin' truck; Sheldon's wondering what he'll drive next? He's actually looking forward to a visit down there later on to check it all out! Thank you all for your encouragement and support along the way as we see this job come together.