After baseball games Saturday, June 30, we headed out to the hills with "Uncle Ken" Farnen to play and explore the miles of 4-wheelin' trails!
Glorious green undergrowth and fragrant Lupine blossoms transformed the snow-covered scenery we'd played in on the snow machines months before. :) We found the jeep of "Jeep Swamp"...
Glorious green undergrowth and fragrant Lupine blossoms transformed the snow-covered scenery we'd played in on the snow machines months before. :) We found the jeep of "Jeep Swamp"...
... along with all the mud!
Ken's Aunt Joan was along with her chainsaw and sheers to clear the trail!
(I want to be like her when I grow up... a true Alaska woman who loves gardening AND teaching Sunday School kids about JESUS :)
We made it to the cabin...
... and found some folks who'd had a flat tire along the way. Ken took some time to patch them up, a good deed for the day.
GOD, thanks for time with our boys in Your big backyard!