My Fisherman's Call to Whittier

Sunday, May 31, Brandon answered his summer call to fish.  A 3 hour drive to catch the ferry out of Whittier, his Dad and I enjoyed a few last moments with this man child who was finally free from high school studies and the week following booked with baseball practice and Regional tournament. He exulted, "I'm DONE!"  We stopped to see Portage Glacier where Sheldon's family had brought me my first trip to Alaska 22 years ago.  I hadn't been back since, and though my features have changed, the young man I'm standing beside resembles the one I posed with then!
The visitor center featured a 3D map where Brandon could point out all the fishing grounds he would call home for the next 10 weeks.  Prince William Sound is only accessible to the road system by a tunnel (previously limited to train passage) from Portage to Whittier through the mountain on the northwest!  Ferry destination Cordova on the northeast, Brandon would meet up with captain Robby Switzer on his gill netter.  From there they would explore "The Flats" southeast, to "Esther Island" southwest, to "Chalmers" in a cove tucked away from severe weather and waves.
Though Brandon was familiar with the tunnel from athletic trips to compete in Cordova and the fishing commutes from the previous season, Sheldon hadn't been through since he took the train to play ball in high school, and it was my first time!
 A $12 fee and passage east on the half hr., we drove right on the train track for 4 miles in the dark.
No homes in Whittier!  The harbor is the main attraction, with one fancy hotel, a little circle of quaint shops and a few restaurants, all residents stay in a central apartment complex.
The Ferry.
 The Hotel.
 The Harbor.
Waterfall cascading down the mountain where we entered the tunnel heading west at the top of the hour to return home.
 Goodbye, Son!  May the Lord bless you and keep you!
