April 5

Counting my blessings and feeling all the love! ❤️Thankful to be alive AND still have both hands after that accident... I walked away?! I went off the road 20 min. out of Soldotna taking Clayton to orthodontist early Thursday morning, 4/5. Hit a very icy patch and didn't make the corner... did a spin in the highway before 2 flips over the edge. Clayton did AWESOME, he was sleeping and walked away with a couple scratches. My rockstar!
I reached up to brace myself with my right arm on the car ceiling, and my hand must have gone through the sunroof when we landed on the roof the first flip. So very thankful and humbled that our paramedic neighbors Wayne and Carla Stanley were behind us on the road and stopped to help Clayton walk me out of the ditch to wait for the ambulance.  I was in shock for 45 min. and came to in their car.  Clayton was looking at me with great concern as I asked the same question I had over and over.  Where am I? etc.  He had wrapped his special fleece blanket around my bleeding forearm which I was holding in my lap.  My first thought as I held my floppy right hand in my left, "Wow, my wrist is really broken!" and then as I glimpsed all the blood in the blanket, "I'm going to bleed to death."  Sheldon drove up to meet us in the ER where I finally felt the pain when the nurse held my elbow and my wrist separately. 
Clayton was behind the curtain beside me texting updates of our situation to the prayer chain. I had all my clothes cut off, glass removed, used a bed pan, and vomited.  They finally got my feet warm and gave me all the tests and CT scan showing signs of concussion. Had a big bump and blood on my head, 6 stitches behind my right ear and initial arm surgery in Soldotna Thursday afternoon to remove glass from my arm and set the bones with a pin. They gave me serious pain meds and Sheldon drove me to Anchorage that night where we stayed in a hotel before surgery the next morning.
I'm so happy to still have 2 hands and be able to wiggle all 5 fingers! Checked into the Orthopedic Physicians of Alaska center at 9:30a. Friday morning, April 6.  Dr. Ala reconnected all the tendons and ensured functionality. (I could not move my fingers.) Two major nerves were also severed, and each little nerve bundle within those nerve sheaths (like an electrical wire) had to be reconnected underneath the microscope, a 3-hr. procedure. The feeling now has to grow back through those connections, 1 cm/month? God's healing design of the human body is astonishing. It may be 2 years before I even feel hot and cold with my fingers. The doctor secured a plate with screws to the bones that I don't believe will ever come out.
My first post-op appointment is Monday, April 16, in Anchorage, 2pm. I'm thinking he'll cut off the plaster to remove stitches and check it all out. He talked about beginning physical therapy immediately, and warned of that long, hard road. You don't know how much I'd love to show him that I will play the piano again! I
slept great last night finally, and the pain is considerably less.

Pretty amused to find HB written on my “hamburger” arm in the shower this morning.
Some of my worst bruises came from the ambulance ride where the paramedics couldn't find a vein to start an I.V.  And they argued with me that I was the driver in the incident.  I just passed out again and woke up later in the ER!

We are experiencing the audacious love of God through so many friends: delicious meals, breathtaking flowers, precious hugs and visits. Just amazing to me to see the body minister so beautifully through specific gifts: manicure, bath, conversation, folded laundry, quiet snuggles with no words, chocolate, prayer, laxatives, walk, clean toilet, foot massage, phone call, specific word, socks, taxes completed, piano recital piece memorized, book to read. BLESS YOU EVERY ONE!
A view to heal by.
A word just for me.  Humbled and amazed. XOXOX
