July 6

Three months. July arrived and with it SUMMER! I'm feeling more energetic and learning the discipline of rest and exercises in the midst of activity... 20 hrs. sunshine daily, Bible stories with VBS kids, beach walks, Sheldon and Clayton's new BCI foundation to dig and pour, Jordan's 17 lawns to mow and fishing clients to guide, office hours for me, and boat rides to China Poot for red salmon to dipnet! OUTSIDE as much as possible, we all of a sudden have tans after an entire week of 70+ degrees..WooHoo! Hand workouts are much more fun out on the deck. Though Clayton kept me busy in the yard today; what a blessing to work alongside him!
We keep taking steps toward the sale of our home closing on September 21. Sheldon got the big door and water tank in the "shop" now... no longer a gym. And Clayton painted all the new trim!
I continue physical therapy with Susan T/Th 9a. She gave me a new brace and straightened the fingers up to full extension with the thumb stretched out. I can almost sleep through the night with this one, though my fingertips are making pressure divots in the foam! There is still constant pain, tingling and aching, especially after 3 hrs. I can't wait to get out of the brace and compression to massage those scars and stiff joints and to stretch it all.

I can now touch thumb to each fingertip, even to the pinky who was so far away (with the help of my ring finger!) And then I curl my left hand over my fingers pushing them down to a fist and releasing them to hold... getting closer. Finally I stretch each finger straight with much push on the knuckle and pull in the tendon, then all fingers together pushed down straight and pulled up straight.
There is still swelling in some areas and muscle atrophy in others. Sheldon wonders why my hand just looks awkward, but then we remember how far we've come in healing and restoration. I continue to take a couple Tylenol PM before bed and generally spend half of the night stretched out on the coach, arm propped up against the back cushions. My shoulder is almost happy; more exercises there, for sure!  I was encouraged at PT that maybe it's time to sit down at my piano to try a few chords or scales. I'm working up my courage for tomorrow maybe?
"Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus... Consider Him Who endured... so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted." Hebrews 12:2-3
