May 2

It's a BIG week. Saturday is 1 month since my car accident. I've done a lot of healing. I have a lot more to do. I've taken some time off from teaching 22 piano students and bookkeeping at Beachy Construction and at Christian Community Church. I've been overwhelmed by the audacious love of God and of my family and friends! I'm in a season of rest and recovery. Of finger exercises. Of unexpected emotions. Of asking for and accepting help. Of waking in the middle of the night and finding sleep elusive. Of experiencing both pain and the grace to endure. Of gradually working into my routines again. I have a new motto, "SLOW AND STEADY."
Our spring Piano Recital is Sunday, May 6, 3:30p. at church. Before the grand piano. On the stage. Under the lights. Dressed up. Grandma in the audience. Palms sweating. Classic melodies. Amazing fingerwork. Nervous smiles. Rehearsed curtsies and bows. A teacher SO PROUD. One of my favorite days of the whole year! So,this week, all lessons are on stage... the final run-through. The kids are awesome!! It's a big deal for all of us. Please come be blessed if you can make it!
My "First of the Month" office tasks specifically at church have come back around. The ones I had "conveniently" checked off so that I could take 2 full weeks off with no pressure. Payroll. Bank reconciliation. Credit card payments. Tax submissions. Missionary disbursements. Facility use invoices. Financial reports. BUT there was the Quarterly 941 still out there. A whole month before its deadline.
This picture of my little office 2 1/2 years ago when I took the position makes me smile. I was in a whole different season of being overwhelmed and reliant upon God's grace and wisdom in assuming a daunting task of stewardship and administration. My parents helped me repaint the walls. I spent hours in filing and organizing, researching and recovering. It's now my safe retreat. A place of quiet and order. Routine and joy and ministry.
But the 941 was a day overdue. I sat down yesterday at my desk and prayed for clarity, stuffing down recollections of IRS audit letters, confrontations with accountants, resubmissions, fees, and the gobbledygook of tax guides. Deep breath. Clear the fog of concussion. The emotions of being back. You've got this. Quickbooks fills it all in for you. Yeah... No... "You owe $873." NO!!! Instant tears. Phone call for help, but no answer. I've been doing it all wrong?? Where is this money going to come from?? LORD, what was Your verse for me this morning? I Peter, "You give grace to the humble." Here I am.
Ruth answered when I called and helped me confirm the payroll tax percentages were correct. Yes. Ah... But we had made changes to the way pastor files. How do I figure out where to fix that?? Where do I start? Panic! Wait. Oh, we have Intuit payroll support. An 800 number. John answered in 3 rings. He eventually helped me uncheck 2 boxes in payroll setup. Backed out some figures. The 941 balanced out! The report was submitted 2 hrs. after I had begun. It was done. Slow and steady. His grace is enough. Yes, His grace IS enough. XOXOX
