May 8

A-OK! Making progress. I can touch my index finger to my thumb, and I have a little feeling in both of them, yay! The other fingers are getting a bit more movement, but no feeling at all, except the pins and needles tingling of nerve repair ALL THE TIME. I’ll take it! Just a couple scabs left to heal on my wrist under the band-aids. My skin peels off like a reptile. Swelling is still a priority - Ice. Compression. Elevation. Arnica gel.
I LOVE my PT gal Susan Darr at South Peninsula Hospital here in Homer. We get together T/Th 9a. She writes me lists on sticky notes. She’s gentle with me for another week through the 6th week of healing. She holds my hand and massages so tenderly. ❤️ I’m enjoying it while I can because she told me there’s “grit” and “electricity” in my future to help these tendons and nerves remember all their jobs?!
Finished piano students with a recital Sunday. Finished Booster Club with Annual Meeting last night. Still receiving meals through this week. I worked half of Monday at the BCI office, half of Tuesday at the church office. Naptime and walktime are precious. Sheldon is driving Clayton to his rescheduled orthodontist appointment Thursday. God’s mercies are new every morning. Great is Your faithfulness! XOXOX
